The Crowd, 2019. Also called ‘Meetup’. Explores networking and how we communicate with each other at work/social gatherings, how meaning can be obscured and the masks we wear. It also explores the concept of the crowd vs individual agency, to get things done.

Graffiti, 2019. This piece explores the street art we pass everyday and how it enhances the places in which we live and work.

Virtual, 2019. Explores emerging technology, namely augmented and virtual reality. Questioning the impact they are going to have on how we work, play and interact with each other.

Virtual, 2019. Explores emerging technology, namely augmented and virtual reality. Questioning the impact they are going to have on how we work, play and interact with each other.

Burnout, 2019. Also known as Despair, 2019. Exploring the increasing prevalence of burnout and the despair it causes, in today's 'always on', 'hustle' culture.

Network, 2019. Also known as Launchpad, 2019. Explores the future of work and themes such networking, entreprenuership and co-working. The scene captures the vibe at a networking event for creative entrepreneurs at my co-working space, Artscape Daniels Launchpad in Toronto. 'Launchpad' also refers to the nuturing and support of emerging talent through creative space making.

Lobby, 2019. Explores the future of work and new ways of working. Usuallly teaming with people balancing laptops and coffees. The scene captures the lobby of my co-working space at a quiet moment.

This mixed media tapestry (entitled 'Time’s Progress’, created from needled-felted wool & other fibres, interwoven with pulsing electroluminescent light) was displayed at Nuit Blanche Toronto 2019 at Artscape Daniels Launchpad, and was based on this city-wide public art exhibition's 'Continuum' theme.
“The tapestry represents the progress of time that is knitted into the fabric and pattern of our faces. We often expect life to follow a recognisable continuum from youthful optimism, to confident maturity, and hopefully, wise old age. But the path is not always linear, and we are constantly buffeted by creative and disruptive forces. Growth, ingenuity and inspiration can be experienced at any age, as can stagnation and decline, much like the world around us. This constant change - as represented by the light interwoven into the tapestry - makes an indelible mark on us all”
S J Ince, 2019